Sunday, June 22, 2008


Writing is the overflow of the soul. You can never give what you do not have. It is difficult to write about something you do not actually feel and very hard to say what you do not actually mean. It is like being forced to sing when you do not feel like singing, or to dance when you cannot find any reason to dance. Our professor in literature spoke to us saying (it was something like this):
"When you feel lonely, sad, forsaken, depressed, mistreated, ignored or rejected, and when all you want to do is to kill yourself, then go to a corner, get a blade get a pen with a blade and paper and pour your heart out as you write, wriTE and WRITE! Before you know it, you have created a masterpiece! A work of art!"
After all, that was the very way how Hamlet was born. And Hercules. And Oedipus. And the sphinx. That is how Pygmalion and Galatea came to life. That is how the face that launched a thousand ships came to be. Through it, Snow White found her Prince Charming, and Juliet lost hers. This is how Prince Cor (Shasta) regained his kingdom and how Macbeth lost his. This tells us why Smirgo (Gollum) killed his best friend for a ring, and why Sinbad (almost) gave his life for his best friend. And what else? For time would fail me to tell you of the minotaur, or of Zeus and Hera, or of King Arthur. They are all the expression of man's creative mind. The overflow of his soul - of his dreams, ambitions, of his anger, his love, and his fears. Our hearts (not our physical hearts of course) have a limited capacity to contain things (both hatred and joy). When this capacity is filled, our hearts tend to let out the excess, via tears, screams, dancing or writing. Now, this excess needs to be let out, otherwise, it can be dangerous, and oftentimes, fatal. A certain Man once said:
"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." (1)
Still, another wrote in a certain place at a certain time:
"I believed, therefore I spoke. . ." (2)
It is therefore understood that your written words are your thoughts made flesh. Now I hope that I have made it clear by now that writing is the overflow of the soul, as words are the overflow of the mind, tears-the overflow of either extreme grief or joy, and screams-the overflow of anger or hatred. Now, let me tell you of a Man. He is also an overflow as the ones that we have been talking about. But unlike them, He is not the product of man's creative thinking or imagination. Jesus Christ is His Name-the overflow of God's Love. Not just the excess, but the whole of it. He Himself is Love Personified (3). Okay, you may take His Story as "a myth working on us in the same way as the others, but with this tremendous difference - that it really happened!" (4) ". . .and the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us" - John (5) My friend told me that a friend of his once told him: "You know what, it is crazy and sane to think that there is a Being beyond nature, a God, and what's more, a loving God. The very thought of it gives me goosebumps."
Well then, Call me CRAZY!
Footnotes: (1) His-story (2) Heart Talk (3) The Beloved (4) God in the dock by C.S. Lewis, 1979 (5) The Gospel

To Know, or not To Know

Warning: This article could make you think, it may open your mind to things you'd rather not know.
"For in much wisdom is much grief, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow." - King Solomon, Ecc.1:18

On their free time, people sleep, others watch television, some read, still some, do nothing. But me, when I have free time, I think. This was one of those times.

On the way home from my university, as I analyze the phases of my life, I had a strange, yet convincing realization:

It's not about the ability of our minds to think, but rather, it's about the ability of our minds to keep itself from thinking.

Let me illustrate this in a more understandable way. Imagine yourself shooting a basketball. You are not thinking as you shoot, you're simply shooting and you are making your shots, no big deal. But as you see your shots go in, you begin to get conscious. You begin to ask yourself things like "What if this next shot doesn't go in? What if it doesn't hit the ring? What if I miss? What if, what if?" Thinking of these things will increase your tendency to miss the shot. Well, that's just it.

When you do an act of charity, you feel joyful, because kindness brings joy. But as you become aware that others are watching you, it becomes harder. Look, it's easy to say: "Don't mind what others might think", but to really apply it is the more serious part.

The late C.S. Lewis pondered that we humans have this dilemma:

". . .either to taste and not to know, or to know and not to taste. As thinkers, we are cut off from what we think about; as tasting, touching, willing, loving, hating, we do not clearly understand. The more lucidly we think, the more we are cut off: the more deeply we enter into reality, the less we can think. You cannot study Pleasure in the moment of the nuptial embrace, nor Repentance while repenting, nor analyse the nature of humour while roaring with laughter. But when else can you really know these things? 'If only my toothache would stop, I could write another chapter about Pain.' But once it stops, what do you know about pain?" (1)

You see my friend, most people who ask for knowledge do not really know what they're asking for. But the truth is - Life is Beautiful. It;s meant to be enjoyed, to be tasted, to felt, to be lived, much less to be understood. After all, God is Life, and He did not command us to understand Him with all our hearts, soul, strength and mind. He just told us to love Him. (2)What's easier to do?

"Of making many books, there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh."

- King Solomon, Ecc. 12:12

So, do you still wanna know it all? ;-)


1. Myth Became Fact by C.S. Lewis, 1944

2. Mark 12:30

Monday, June 16, 2008


When I'm tempted to see the lesser part of me When all I can view are my inadequacies When both my past and my present condemns Remind me that I can, Remind me that I can
When distractions and darkness cloud my senses When all I could look at is the world's wicked judgments When the most logical thing is to give up my dreams Tell me, tell me, tell me that I can
Give me the eyes to see, and the faith to Live. Oh I dare to hope, and I dare to believe! When all kinds of reason for hope is gone, Then I will hope in Faith, and in Faith I will stand!
Why do you weary yourself with the things that you do? Cast your cares upon me my child, didn't I tell you? Live under my Grace and understand this: You can't, but I can, so now you can too!
Grace is where all your hard work ends It is where True Love and True Power begins For True Faith is birthed when ability dies Very few know this. Is it that hard to realize?
I told you to trust me with all your heart Just stand believing - that is all your part And if you have forgotten, then I'd tell you again: My child, my precious one, Yes! You can!
© 2008, Zoe Seeker

Sunday, June 15, 2008

For 'This' Cause

A BIG HELLO to you dear and precious blog reader, blog fanatic, occasional visitor, passerby, critic (or whoever you are, wherever you're from and whatever you call yourself). First of all, thank you for visiting my blog site. You are more than welcome and appreciated.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Zoe Seeker. . . Okay, it's not my real name, but hey! You gotta love code names! ;-p Man, they're cool, aren't they (don't dare disagree, LOL). You can call me. . .or rather -- You should call me Zoe, ('I' pronounce it as "zō") nothing more, nothing less, otherwise it's not me. Regarding the meaning of the name, I'm sure a lot of you knows it, but for those who don't (don't feel condemned), I'll leave it up to you to look for its meaning. You have the internet, just consider it as an extra-credit assignment.

So, who am I? And what is this blog all about, well. . .

  • I'm a letter waiting to be read
  • A singer waiting to be heard
  • An athlete determined to win
  • A farmer looking to plant
  • A peasant called to reap
  • A man willing to make a difference in this world (a lot of people have already given up doing this)
  • An traveler excited for an adventure
  • A philosopher lecturing about Life (Him)
  • An archaeologist driven to find the discovery of all ages
  • A treasure hunter seeking a 'never-before-seen' Jewel
  • A child looking for a best friend
  • A young man searching for the lady of her dreams
  • A soldier fighting for 'this' cause

I mentioned that you cannot call me what you want, but you are welcome to think of me:

  • as your friend, your best buddy, and trusted partner - with whom you can share secrets, open up and simply be comfortable being yourself (I would love you to be my friend, and to be a friend to you)
  • as your responsible father, who loves you more than my life, thus willing to patiently discipline you until you become the best of who you are (I would love to be your father, yet not I)
  • as your mother who carried you for nine months (no one could be closer) and who loves you like no other, more than willing to sacrifice even my whole life to see you grow with integrity, wisdom, dignity and love. (to be that king of mother is indeed one of the greatest honors)
  • as your childhood playmate, innocently loving and liking you, learning with you, discovering new things with you through our unending curiosity. Innocently holding your hand, hugging and kissing you, and being with you all the way (I think this is who I really want to be, how 'bout you?)
  • as your sincere lover, ready to sacrifice everything and go through oceans, mountains and everything just to see your face, have a glimpse of your smile, hear your voice, feel your hand, and catch your tears. Always ready to protect you.

Some people fought for their country's freedom, for democracy. Some fight for the environment -- for the trees, the animals, the ozone layer, etc. that we may have a clean and green place to live in. Some even fight for the homo sapiens, to ensure the perpetuation of our species.

All of us live for at least one thing, some live to be famous, others to be infamous. A lot of people live for their jobs, for their families or for their personal agendas. Whatever it is, we ALL live for something. Very few people, if not none, will say that they live for nothing. Yet, even nothing can be considered as something. (It's still a thing!)

But as for me, I decide to be 'this'. I choose to be 'this'. I was born for 'this', I live for 'this', I fight for 'this', and when the time comes, die for 'this'